Développeur / Éditeur

JVC Musical Industries




Run'n gun

Nb joueur

1 joueur

En cours d'ajout…

Mise en page web bientôt disponible. En attendant, consulte le PDF directement.

Notice d'origine
Merci à…

Notice & scan : Badi

Cet article a 2 commentaires

  1. Timber

    thank you, been looking a long time for this one.
    But did you notice that pages 32 and following are missing (language parts for nl, es and it) ? Do you have the missing pages and could you add them?

    Thx a lot and greetings

    1. Badi

      Hi Timber!
      I still have the manual, so yes! I don’t know why, I’ve just scanned half of it and then… I suppose to forget to finish 😂 That’s explain why I found it light in weight and number of pages?! I will fixe that asap. Thanks!

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